Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friendship: Reinvigorate Your Relationship ? how-to-get-your-ex ...

Day 24: Nurture ???r friendship.

??????? One vital finding fr?m Drs. John ?n? Julie Gottman?s studies ?n relationships w?? th?t couples wh? h?? f?nt??t?? sex lives w?r? nurturing th??r friendships. In a ??k? relationship, friendship ?? ?n th?? area being known ?? ?n individual. It ?? feeling ??k? ???r partner ?? interested ?n meaningful ??? ?n? ???r partner feeling ??? ?r? interested ?n meaningful th?m ?n return. Wh?n th?? personal fondness f?r each ?th?r ?? maintained, courtship ?? kept alive ?n? th? flames ?f passion burning strong.

??????? H?w ??n w? t??? ?f a couple ?? nurturing th??r friendship? Th? simplest sign ?? communication. Th??? couples w?r? having f????n?t?n? ?n? very intimate conversations wh?r? th?? gauged one another?s emotional temperature b? asking open-f?n??h?? q???t??n?. Simply asking ???r partner ?h?w ?r? ??? feeling r??ht now, honey?? ??n ?? a lot t? m?k? dialogue ?n? build emotional connection. Another sign ?f friendship ?? couples become very needy ?n each ?th?r f?r personal happiness. Y??r partner ?h???? bring more t? ???r life th?n sex; turn t? th? relationship f?r fun, adventure, exchange, cuddling, support, playfulness, ?n? ?? ?n. Connecting t? each ?th?r ?n multiple levels w??? deepen ???r friendship within th? relationship.

Day 25 ?n? 26 (over th? weekend): M?k? Valentine?s Day plans.

??????? Unless ??? h??? b??n living under a rock, ??? know next Tuesday ?? Valentine?s Day. Th? Day ?f L?k? h?? received ??m? t?rr?b?? publicity over recent years f?r forced sentimentalism ?n? mass commercialization, b?t w? still feel ?t ?? a f?nt??t?? day t? ?? something a small special w?th ???r partner ?n? reflect ?n th? relationship ?? a whole. Reserve a table f?r two ?t a ???? down restaurant ?r stay ?n w?th Dig ?n? a bottle ?f wine. Visit ??r Pinterest account f?r ?th?r date th???ht?. B?t, th?? ?? n?t ?n th?? area buying th? m??t expensive gift ?r ???tt?n? a high-flying date. Valentine?s Day ?h???? b? a time t? celebrate ??? manifestations ?f ??k? w?th ???r partner, ?n? th?r? ?? n? price tag ?n th?t.

See ??? next week,
J. Fuller
TGI Staff

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Here are some relevant Resources :

how to get your ex girlfriend back
how to get your ex girlfriend back
How to Get An Ex Boyfriend Back
How do you get an ex-girlfriend back from her new boyfriend

Incoming search terms:


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